Event : Anaghata Abhipraya [GATHAPRAYA]

long time no post gal

So in this post i'll explain you about an event that contain traditional art with some modern touch. So My school is held a festival called Gathapraya. Gathapraya is taken from sansekerta word Anagatha and Abhipraya that means "wishes for the future". In this event i'm not come as an audience but as a committe. I'm working on an decoration .My sub division is making this event mascot, cepot. Cepot is Sundanese traditional puppet, his skin colour is red and he is always smiling, i don't know why but in my opinion cepot is the funniest puppet ever!.

In this event there are some performer like hivi with their lovely song, elephant kind with the indie rock genre, nidji that shows up with their energic style, Didik Ninik Thowok with the 2 face dance, Vina candrawati that paint with the sand, and ofcourse giri harja that bring the cepot with the puppet shows.

This event is annual event and this event is the 4th event of Festival seni, sastra, and budaya. Thye first event is Matswapati, the second is Gamarvani and the third is Megantara. This event is held on 30th september 2017 and bring in almost 4000 audience.

And i can show you some of the decoration like cepot the icon of this event, the mega mendung and some gear on the stage and "Gathapraya"'s entrance and the other things.

Im so sorry if there is a hurt feelings word or the quality of the pict is not as good as you guys wish, hope you enjoy it, thanks and goodbye


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