Bakti Desa is an event held by SMA Negeri 3 Bandung to help people in disadvantaged villages.
This year the opportunity to help these people was my generation 3'2020.
The place is in Cibeureum Kertasari Village. There was divided into 1 class 1 rw and in 1 class it was divided into residents' houses and 1 resident's house was filled by 4 students.
There we distributed groceries, taught small children, gardened, explored nature, and gathered with friends.
It feels good to be able to try foods whose ingredients are taken directly from the garden I am a group with Fariz, Kiki, and Pa Ramdhani where we share a bed.
Besides that, we also went there in the same class, cisanti and there we surrounded it, ate at the edge, and played around the teletubbies hill.
The situation there is still very clean and there are not many transportation devices that cause pollution, but there is still a lot of garbage even though the scenery is quite beautiful.


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